Let's Talk Clean Air | Camfil

Metal processing is one of the most vital industries out there, and like any other industry, it produces dust. Today we cover the process of dust collection within the metal processing industry.

Show Notes

Metal processing is one of the most vital industries out there, and like any other industry, it produces dust. Today we cover the process of dust collection within the metal processing industry.

• Hazards within the metal processing industry
• The benefits of clean air
• Categories of dust and particulate matter
• When a dust hazard analysis is necessary
• Ways to be proactive about weld fume control
• Air quality goals


Jacob Stewart is the host of the podcast, as well as the video producer for Camfil APC Jonesboro’s Marketing department.  Jon Ladwig is the Metal Processing Specialist for Camfil APC.

What is Let's Talk Clean Air | Camfil?

Discover how clean air can affect the quality process for you and the workplace from world leading experts.

We find out how controlling air can bring benefits to production plants and facilities, the health of people who work there, and bringing greater efficiencies to your final product.

We're also joined by experts from Camfil, a world leader in the development and production of air filters and clean air solutions, on what they are doing to keep air clean and safe.