Channel Junkies: YouTube For Real Estate Podcast

Batching your YouTube content can help you be consistent. In Episode 70, we are going to answer a question on How to Batch Shoot YouTube Videos to Grow Your Channel FASTER!

Show Notes

Welcome to today's YouTube For Realtors WALK AND TALK #71 - I have so many things going through my head every day about YouTube for Realtors that I just want to get it all out! I get asked so many questions everyday and coach so many agents it's time to answer all of those in depth, on my walk to the gym!

In todays episode I do a deep dive into How to Batch Shoot YouTube Videos to Grow Your Channel FASTER! What do you think batch shooting can help on your channel? There are lot of reasons why you have to a batch shoot of videos. The psychology behind batch shooting is that you don't go into a spiraling depression like I have so many times because I know I got videos. Yes, that's what happens. That's why our content starts getting really ****** is because we're just forcing stuff. We just got to get it out. And you have to understand if you're going to batch shoot number one, you got to cut that perfectionism. That is for Hollywood and I can say it easily now because I've done so many of it. But the other reason I know I can say it easily is because I understand through my data analytics my less edited videos are far better than the ones where I just really get to my opinions. Being more raw like that allows me to get more videos out, they are way less editing. We got to stop this editing. You know, being so hard on ourselves, that is what kills Real estate agents its just how hard we are on ourselves with the editing and I was too. I remember when I first started, I edited all my own videos. I would take out every arm and it literally was like I didn't take a breath because I just cut out every space and I thought that's what was being taught by the real estate professionals and the digital marketers out there, and that's what we saw we were trying to mirror an image of this perfection. 

If you get a minute, keep that good minute and then go from there. Or if you get 5 minutes and then you stop and you mess up, keep that five minutes. We have to understand too that we can edit out anything. And when I do my batch shooting sometimes the hardest part is just figuring out what to say and I'm there right now because I've just shot so many videos.

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What is Channel Junkies: YouTube For Real Estate Podcast ?

#1 Podcast to learn YouTube for Realtors

The Channel Junkies Podcast is for real estate agents and lenders looking to have their phone ring every day with high-quality "in-bound" clients! Stop cold calling, door knocking, and doing open houses and start getting content out to the #1 search engine platform in the world when it comes to people wanting to know about your city! That platform is YouTube for Realtors and we mastered it!

We have created 11 Real Estate YouTube channels in 9 states and close over $150 milllion in 100% free organic YouTube content each year. We have also helped multiple real estate agents become Millionaires from their YouTube channel.

We also partner with agents all around the world that would like to join us on our venture. If you think you have what it takes to work with us, tell us more about you and your business here!

This podcast will mirror our YouTube channel "Channel Junkies YouTube for Real Estate Agents with Jackson Wilkey" we built which is full of tips and tutorials on how to master your social media marketing for real estate!