A Year and a Day: Divorce Without Destruction

In this episode, host Jaime Davis discusses how to help your children thrive during separation with child psychologist Dr. Lori Thomas.  Dr. Thomas provides guidance and insight into issues such as how and when to tell the children about the separation, what not to tell the children, and what to expect once the children know about the separation.  http://wynnsfamilypsychology.com/OurDoctors/tabid/366/Default.aspx. 

Show Notes

In this episode, host Jaime Davis discusses how to help your children thrive during separation with child psychologist Dr. Lori Thomas.  Dr. Thomas provides guidance and insight into issues such as how and when to tell the children about the separation, what not to tell the children, and what to expect once the children know about the separation.  http://wynnsfamilypsychology.com/OurDoctors/tabid/366/Default.aspx. 

Creators & Guests

Jaime Davis
Family Law Attorney, Mediator, Author & Podcast Host

What is A Year and a Day: Divorce Without Destruction?

Board-certified family law attorney Jaime Davis and her guests provide information and tips for getting through a separation and divorce without destroying family relationships or finances. From marriage therapists and financial planners to private investigators and parenting coordinators, learn how to navigate divorce without destruction.