Radio Greenside

What makes us Green at Greenside? Well, so, so much! We've devoted this Special Episode -- what would normally be another Radio Newsletter episode -- to our most amazing green details at Greenside... because, truly, we're green, we're sustainable, we're environmentally-conscious in oh so many ways!

At 1:40 in the podcast, is this poem, in rap form -- its lyrics here:

Greenside is green in oh so many ways,
Apple iPad to save on paper waste,
We grow our own vegetables in our garden, 
We learn about the importance of regenerative farming

We partnership with Wildfarmed sustainable flour,
Making focaccia and doughs that are deliciously sour
Only school in England with its own micro-bakery
And our own wheat field to make our bread savoury

Greenside is green in oh so many ways,
Our students track the health of our soil every single day,
Using iPad apps to help record the soil,
And type recipes include sustainable olive oil

We are vegetarian and what we don’t eat we compost,
We teach the world sustainability on our Apple podcast
We prepare food for the needy in the local community,
Making food labels with iPad and our creativity

Greenside is green in oh so many ways,
Such as the greenhouse where the food is made,
We even recycle unused uniforms,
Our green-ness is magical like rainbow corn!

Creators & Guests

James Tilden
James Tilden is the Year 4 Class Teacher and ICT Lead at Greenside Primary School. He scripts, records, mixes, produces, and publishes Radio Greenside. He also runs the Greenside Primary School Instagram account.

What is Radio Greenside?

Welcome to Radio Greenside, Greenside Primary School's official radio show. This podcast is hosted by teachers and students, bringing you up-to-date Greenside news and a range of shows on maths, reading, film, and all things Greenside. Stay tuned, Greensiders!