The Self Kindness Effect with Pete Sibley

Does that old mind of yours come in with side comments and quick remarks about how you should be doing it better or differently?  Does it replay the conversations you’ve had over and over again?  

Does it single you out (after you’ve blamed everyone else first) as the reason why your life isn’t better, more relaxed, less stressed?  I used to do that too, and then I found what my Negative Self Talk was REALLY about!

Decreasing Negative Self Talk and Self Blame, Once and For All!! an online Master Class
Wednesday, May 17th, EVENT - 5pm PST/ 8PM EST
to sign up for the masterclass
  Click HERE


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1:1 coaching program
I teach deep, transformative and foundational self love skills that are game changers!
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What is The Self Kindness Effect with Pete Sibley?

We live in a world of cause and effect.
The Self Kindness Effect is knowing what you are believing and perceiving about your life, creates your life and the world around you.

By looking to ourselves, we radically change EVERYTHING around us.
Join Pete Sibley as he chats about what exactly does it means to embody this cause and effect right now?

Pete Sibley is a life coach & musician sharing the discoveries he has made in his own quest to become more loving towards himself, including overcoming depression, living with ADHD and beating debilitating negative self talk. Removing the blocks to hear what has always been written on your heart, what you've always already known.