Films & Filth

We give #78 on the "good" list its close-up.

John Champion has been sussing out the messages, morals, and meetings of every episode of Star Trek for more than a decade at the Mission Log podcast.  Head over here to get into that:

Support us at our podcasting network, Podcastio Podcastius at  You'll get early episodes of this and out other podcasts, along with a live chat here and there.

Speaking of our other podcasts - seriously, you could only listen to various other configurations of us:
Luke Loves Pokemon:
Time Enough Podcast (Twilight Zone):
Game Game Show (a game show gaming games):
Occult Disney:
Podcast: 1999 (where Mark and Matt rap about Space: 1999):

And Matt makes music here:

Coming Soon:
June 5: The Neverending Story III 
June 12: Das Boot 
June 19: Superman IV: The Quest for Peace

What is Films & Filth?

The Citizen Kane of Podcasting. Three dorks and often a guest have a look at the top 100 films and bottom 100 films as voted by iMDb users.