ATC Office Hours

Doug Soldat joined me to discuss tissue tests for turfgrass, and how we might make use of them (or not) to make decisions about fertilizer.

Show Notes

Doug Soldat joined me to discuss tissue tests for turfgrass, and how we might make use of them (or not) to make decisions about fertilizer.

Creators & Guests

Micah Woods
I'm chief scientist at the Asian Turfgrass Center and director of the @paceturf information service. Some current projects include #OM246, #ClipVol, and #MLSN.

What is ATC Office Hours?

I discuss technical turfgrass topics with turfgrass managers, scientists, greenkeepers, and whoever drops by the ATC office hours. There's a lot of talk about the work done to create playing surfaces for golf, and also about growing grass for sporting surfaces of all sort, and also some talk of lawns.