The Cinematic Odyssey

On the fifty-sixth episode of the Cinematic Odyssey, and special Valentine's edition, Tristen and Max uncover the beautiful mystery of Richard Curtis's Love Actually. One of Max's favorite rewatches come holiday season, Tristen enters with no expectations and the result does not shock you at all. Discussing the writing, performances of the ensemble cast, and even Richard Curtis's other works, this episode is sure to be one that captures that special feeling for you and a loved one, otherwise it probably would be creepy. Also, if you missed your seminar on workplace harassment, this is the place to be!

Creators & Guests

Max Clark
Co-Host of The Cinematic Odyssey.

What is The Cinematic Odyssey?

On The Cinematic Odyssey podcast, we talk about films that aren’t in the mainstream consciousness, with most of the movies we talk about within the art house sphere.