Armidale Radio Theatre Society

Welcome back to our special 2023 Christmas broadcast!

This year we've decided to take this broadcast to another level with a full rehearsed reading with a cast of UNE students, staff, and alum.  We'll be taking you back to 19th Century England with Charles Dickens' classic tale "A Christmas Carol".

Our show is suitable for all audiences young and old, with some supernatural spooky elements.  

This is chapter five of five, but more importantly IT'S CHRISTMAS DAY!  Will Scrooge change his ways?  Find out now! 

Edwin Barrett as the Charitable Gentleman
Melissa Hawthorne as the Ghost of Christmas Past
Ben Lewis as Jacob Marley
Lisa Quast as Mrs Crachit
Douglas Rumble as the Ghost of Christmas Present
Melanie Rumble as Scrooge's Nephew, Fred
Jay Samuelson as Ebenezer Scrooge
Jessica Waters as Bob Crachit

Directed by Nicholas Troon

What is Armidale Radio Theatre Society?

Join ARTS as they perform your favourite plays live on radio.

If you're interested in hosting a production over the airwaves contact or visit our team in studio.

See for more information.