Beyond Medicine

Lara Franciso, PA-C and Founder of Medelita talks with us today about how she took a vision to revolutionize the white coat into becoming the leader in quality and reputation for finely tuned medical apparel. Fabric details, reputation for high quality material and building a genuine community of support.

Show Notes

Lara took the time to talk with us in this episode about her backstory and how she took a vision to revolutionize the white coat for women into a company well known for its reputation of high quality medical apparel.

Interested to know what makes Medelita the leader in the industry? Check out their web site below. You can also get 20% OFF with discount code beyondmedicine20.

What is Beyond Medicine?

Beyond Medicine is a healthcare community podcast focused on exploring the cutting edge of science & medicine, & learning from todays leaders. Our host, Dr. Rami Wehbi is a Physician interested in innovation, science and solving the most pressing issues in healthcare.