Inside Fundamentalism

There is a shared tendency to look back to an era of uncorrupted religious practice and belief among the strictly observant

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There is a shared tendency to look back to an era of uncorrupted religious practice and belief among the strictly observant, whether Muslim, Christian or Jewish.

For Pentecostal Christians, it is the fervour of the early church in the first years after Christ's Ascension that is the inspiration.

For Salafi Muslims, there is a wish to return to the unadorned theology of the first generations after the Prophet Mohammed. Other Muslims refer to the Medieval Caliphates when science and medicine flourished.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews like to focus on the primordial truths, to some extent turning their backs on social media and consumer society.

And all share in common a desire look forward to a new golden age when their contributions will be recognised by all humanity.

Presented by Dr Ed Kessler, Founder Director of the Woolf Institute.

What is Inside Fundamentalism?

Inside Fundamentalism takes an in depth look at Strictly Observant Religion in the UK following on from Dr Ed Kessler's BBC Radio 4 broadcast We Do Do God.