IARPA: Disbelief to Doubt

In Part 1 of the premiere episode of the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity's (IARPA) new podcast series, we sit down with former Director Catherine Marsh to discuss IARPA's origin story and the world events that led to her joining government service and set her on a path to leading what the New York Times has heralded as "one of the government's most creative agencies." 

What is IARPA: Disbelief to Doubt?

IARPA: Disbelief to Doubt explores the history and accomplishments of the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) through the lens of some of the most impactful current and past programs and the people who worked on them in IARPA's technical offices of Collection and Analysis. In each episode, Program Managers (PMs), technical staff, and research performers will offer candid insights into their personal journeys, what led them to IARPA, and how the unique mission of the organization enables them to be force multipliers as they tackle some of the most difficult cross-community scientific challenges.