Diving Deep with DL

There is no question I needed to renew my mind because it was "more polluted than a receiving receptacle of a water purification station!" And before God saved me and brought me to my senses... I was in "the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will.” As God says I was before They invaded my spiritual darkness in 2 Timothy 2! I pray someone can relate! Do you need deliverance? Then... "Seek the Lord while He may be found; Call upon Him while He is near." (Isaiah 55)

God's Word: 
Hebrews 4; Matthew 24; 1 Peter 1; 2 Timothy 3; Romans 12; James 3; 2 Timothy 3; 1 Peter 2; Matthew 15; Jeremiah 17; Genesis 3; James 1; 
2 Corinthians 7; 2 Timothy 2; 2 Peter 3; Ecclesiastes 3; Ezekiel 36; Romans 2; Isaiah 55;             

Email: walkingtheway3@gmail.com

What is Diving Deep with DL?

By the power of God the Holy Spirit, I have an opportunity to spread the gospel. As a disciple of Jesus, I desire to live out Matthew 28:19, "Go therefore and make disciples..."
My questions are, "Are you making disciples? Do you know how to make them? Is God's Living Word ALIVE in you? Today many are just floating on the surface, I want to dive DEEPLY into God's Word! Want to know more about God's Word, truths, love, and the plans He has for you?
You got your tanks, LET'S DIVE IN!