The Dadversity Podcast

Mikey Moon brings together a really simple strategy for dads to slowly start getting fitter. There are five steps to consider:

1. Move more - really basic, but just start moving.
2. Nutrition review - clean up your nutrition. Eat whole foods, cut down on the bad stuff - we know what's good and bad.
3. Sleep routine - difficult with youngsters, but try to apply some level of consistency, even if it's reducing screen time before bed.
4. Apply structure - go back to #1 and #2, apply structure around the activity. Start planning workouts, meal plans - join a gym. 4-6 weeks in
5. Progressive overload - you're in a routine, you have a plan, start to ramp it up by adding more weight or more steps. Ramp it up! 

What is The Dadversity Podcast?

It's hard being a dad. Life suddenly becomes very unselfish. Relationships, friendships, finances, fitness - all of these things can slide, as you desperately try to keep things under control.

You don't want that to happen. I haven't met a dad that wants to face adversity with these things. They don't want to balloon in weight, check their bank balance for a nursery fee, or dread going home because their relationship is on the rocks.

So we built Dadversity to help inspire dads to take action. This is the place where you take the first step to become a better version of you. Ready? Let's get to work.