Ask Rezzz

Are you providing a solution that allows a potential client to work with you at a lower risk?

Custom work is often times a big ask. It's a big investment for someone to not just pay, but also to spend time on.

Here's why I like having a smaller, more productized option.
Reduces the risk for the lead
Reduces the risk for you
Allows both you and the client to get quick results
This especially works nicely if you are just starting out.

Show Notes

Are you providing a solution that allows a potential client to work with you at a lower risk?

Custom work is often times a big ask. It's a big investment for someone to not just pay, but also to spend time on.

Here's why I like having a smaller, more productized option.
  • Reduces the risk for the lead
  • Reduces the risk for you
  • Allows both you and the client to get quick results
This especially works nicely if you are just starting out.
👉 For full show notes to this episode & more resources for you.

Are you thinking...

"I would like to have one, but I just don't know what."

What this solution could be, starts by listening and observing opportunities.

During a sales conversation simply ask the lead "What would be a quick win for you?"

As you start to hear answers, watch for a pattern. What sort of quick wins are you hearing?

Write them down.

In Ask Rezzz A233 I share with you 3 other questions that you can explore in order to start building out a productized service

In this episode: 
  • Who will buy my productized service?
  • How to do market research for a productized service
  • Land that first client
  • Are you going to give this a try
There are many more steps in this process, but I wanted to spark some inspiration and direction for you to take if this is something you are considering.

What is Ask Rezzz?

You ask, I answer your web development and design business questions. 🚀 Struggling with a client? Want to build recurring revenue but unsure where to start? Feeling overwhelmed? Have a client that's always late? Want to get clients who respect you? This is the show for you 2 times a week.