This Show Has Everything

Phan Phavorite Phyllis Fletcher joins Bobby and Mike for some post-McFrizz Files questions about her father’s crimes and time behind bars, and a Phlashback to stories of alcohol- and animatronic-fueled rage at a string of rural Chuck-E-Cheese’s locations in January 2009. And speaking of Real America, remember that starting today, it’s Great Again™! Today’s episode includes some related commentary (mainly from Mike), and some extremely polite and diplomatic additional input (Phyllis). Feel free to skip it—your time is probably better spent working on your fallout shelter now anyway (Bobby).

Show Notes

Phan Phavorite Phyllis Fletcher joins Bobby and Mike for some post-McFrizz Files questions about her father’s crimes and time behind bars, and a Phlashback to stories of alcohol- and animatronic-fueled rage at a string of rural Chuck-E-Cheese’s locations in January 2009.

And speaking of Real America, remember that starting today, it’s Great Again™! Today’s episode includes some related commentary (mainly from Mike), and some extremely polite and diplomatic additional input (Phyllis). Feel free to skip it—your time is probably better spent working on your fallout shelter now anyway (Bobby).

What is This Show Has Everything?

Join a group of friends dedicated to an ongoing conversation about everything and nothing, because sometimes you need to be the podcast you want to see in the world.