Think Bigger Real Estate

As Big Tech continues to advance, one of the primary advantages you as a professional will maintain is your ability to connect deeply with clients, and then serve in a highly customized and personal way as a result of building lasting relationships.

This episode explores a pervasive challenge many professionals face: connecting deeply with clients and building lasting, meaningful relationships.

Karl Becker offers fresh insights into this universal pain point in his mission to help salespeople and their clients speak the same language.

Karl Becker has founded and run numerous companies over the last thirty years and runs Improving Sales Performance, a consultancy that supports sales organizations in building high-performing teams and achieving their revenue goals.

Karl is also the author of Set up to Win: Three Frameworks to a High-Performing Sales Organization and Sales & Marketing Alignment.

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Creators & Guests

Justin Stoddart

What is Think Bigger Real Estate?

The road to success for real estate agents is well-marked. The road to significance is not. Here, we help you to Think Bigger than just your business. We inspire you to seek success AND significance, income AND impact. We do that by interviewing the biggest thinkers and highest achievers in the real estate industry, extracting the secrets to having it all.