Founders For Good

Bex Hay is the Co-Founder and CTO of Organise. Organise have supported over 3000 worker-led actions by providing a safe trusted space where people can anonymously discuss topics with colleagues and peers, get access to expert advice, and use tools purpose-built for running effective campaigns.

In this episode we cover:
  • How can people take action relating to workplace issues 
  • Common workplace issues and the most vulnerable workers 
  • The barriers stopping people from taking action
  • How to take meaningful action
  • Organise overview 

Want to listen to the full interview, click below:

What is Founders For Good?

We speak to Founders of Tech For Good startups to learn about their journey in building an impact business, their secrets for success and how they go about hiring mission-driven people.
Our aim is to inspire people to make the world a better place and share with you how you can be part of the solution.