Hey, Man - The Advice Podcast for Men

We're joined this week by 20 year veteran of the FDNY and organizer of the NYC Prepper's Network, Jason Charles. Jason shares what he's learned from his experience in the FDNY and his longstanding interest in disaster prepping. In the second half, Jason lends a hand in giving advice to a man who can't let go of a workplace betrayal.

Show Notes

We're joined this week by 20 year veteran of the FDNY and organizer of the NYC Prepper's Network, Jason Charles. Jason shares what he's learned from his experience in the FDNY and his longstanding interest in disaster prepping. In the second half, Jason lends a hand in giving advice to a man who can't let go of a workplace betrayal.

New York City Preppers Network Meetup
The Angry Prepper Youtube
The Angry Prepper Podcast

Hey Man, 
I’m 40 years old and am having an issue with a coworker. I work as a project manager at a tech company and have been with them practically since the beginning. A few years ago, we hired someone as a part time receptionist and I really liked him. He was a solid kid and seemed like he had potential despite never graduating from college. I took him under my wing and he steadily took on more responsibilities and better job titles. In the last couple of years, our company has done really well and we’ve moved past the stage where we would be considered a startup. We had a leadership transition and my friend has actually been promoted above me and joined a more senior leadership team. I admit, I have some jealousy about this, but even worse - I was up for a promotion recently and didn’t get it! I feel like I’ve helped this kid out for so long, the least he could do is look out for me too. My girlfriend thinks I should just let it go. Am I in the wrong here?

Resentful in Ridgewood
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What is Hey, Man - The Advice Podcast for Men?

The weekly advice podcast for men with therapist Avi Klein and novelist Sam Graham-Felsen. Each week, we answer your questions with the help of a rotating cast of guests.