Digital Marketing Made Simple with Jennie Lyon

In today's business landscape, the demand for remote assistance is rising. If you're a small business owner, you've likely contemplated hiring remote help to grow your business. Two key roles to consider when seeking assistance are the virtual assistant (VA) and the virtual digital marketing team.

We offer both at Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing & Virtual Assistant Services! While our virtual assistants and virtual digital marketing team provide remote assistance, these roles differ significantly in their areas of expertise, the tasks they handle, and their overall impact on a business.

Today, let’s dive deep into the distinctions between these two valuable roles to help you make informed decisions when seeking remote support. Whether you require general administrative assistance or specialized digital marketing expertise, understanding the differences between a virtual assistant and a virtual digital marketing team is crucial for optimizing your business operations.

This week, Jennie talks about: 

Content Overview

🔹The Difference Between a Virtual Assistant (VA) and a Virtual Digital Marketing Team
🔹When to Leverage the Different Roles (V.A. vs. Virtual Digital Marketing Team)
🔹When to Leverage a Virtual Assistant
🔹When to Leverage a Virtual Digital Marketing Team
🔹The Benefits of Utilizing Either a V.A. or a Virtual Digital Marketing Team
🔹The Virtual Playbook: How to Get Started
🔹Real Talk: Small Businesses Excelling in the Virtual Arena
🔹Should I Use A.I. Instead?
🔹Having a Virtual Dream Team is a Game Changer

Links for This Episode on Creating Weekly Content 
🔹The Digital Marketing Success Path Quiz
 🔹Schedule a Free Consultation
Get in touch with Jennie:
🔹Free Consultation
🔹Social Media @jennielyonmarketing

What is Digital Marketing Made Simple with Jennie Lyon?

How do you grow your online business? Grow your email list? Build a social media following? Start a webinar, online course, or podcast? For many people, creating a profitable online business is the dream. Discover why thousands of online business owners have turned to Jennie Lyon to help them grow their online business using digital marketing and virtual assistant services. Jennie shares her best digital marketing tips, practices, and strategies to get you optimal results!