The Hammerbarn Project

Sorry for the delay folks – but to make it up to you, we bring you an extended episode of one of the most magical Bluey eps ever. Rug Island – it’s a magical place. Time has no meaning, Pens are the tools of the gods and some very Adelaide-specific references fly overhead. In the wafting breeze you can hear such faint murmurings as Donkey Kong, the merits of licking sporting equipment, Action Scenes and Fat Red Faces. Marty aches at the false constructs of society, Brendan throws Frank under the bus, but Frank doesn’t care because this episode is just, Everything. And to our amazing listeners – old and new – who continue to write in : Congratulations, you are now not a grown up. 

What is The Hammerbarn Project?

We're just three blokes talking about the amazing Australian animation Bluey. Wackadoo!