Additive Snack

As additive manufacturing (AM) practices and processes mature, we are reminded daily of the boundless potential and transformative power of technology, especially in the healthcare industry. However, additive manufacturing can be a confusing arena for traditional medical manufacturers to step into. Large organizations that successfully integrate additive are essential components of the technology’s wider adoption.
Joining Host Fabian Alefeld is Mark Morrison, Senior Research Manager at Smith & Nephew. Mark has decades of experience in both additive manufacturing and material science. Their conversation explores the significance of material science in AM, Mark’s unique journey, and sheds light on Smith & Nephew’s achievements including producing hundreds of thousands of patient-specific applications. Mark highlights key applications driving AM adoption and the importance of porous structures in the medical space. They also address the patient-specific perspective, the challenges of integrating AM into big business, and how the industry is navigating the experience gap between traditional methods and modern industrial 3D printing.
All opinions expressed by podcast participant(s) are so current opinions and do not reflect the opinions of EOS GmbH or the podcast participant(s) respective companies and/or affiliates. 

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Key Takeaways:
[1:55] Mark’s appreciation for understanding why things behave the way they do triggered his journey into material science and additive manufacturing.
[5:03] In the medical industry, what current applications can be enhanced by additive manufacturing, and what are the patient benefits?
[10:33] What challenges or limitations does Mark foresee for integrating additive manufacturing more broadly in the medical space?
[15:46] What role does the FDA play in assisting organizations to qualify additively manufactured implants to make them market-ready? 
[19:31] What excites Mark when he thinks about current and future additive applications?

What is Additive Snack?

Join host Fabian Alefeld and a range of guests as they discuss all things additive manufacturing (AM) and 3D printing news, with interviews and real-world stories to educate and entertain. Each episode, Fabian talks to AM experts, professionals in specialist fields, and 3D printing users from all walks of life to deliver a well-rounded view on the state of AM.

Cut through the confusion surrounding polymer and metal additive manufacturing solutions with our digestible, down-to-earth discussions that deliver insights into common mistakes and best practice tips so you can get a clear understanding of AM — layer for layer.

Whether you’re curious about 3D printing technology for the aerospace industry, a deep dive into post processing, or applications of injection molding — we leave no spare parts behind. We want to provide you with the additive insight needed to stay laser focused and leverage every opportunity 3D printing materials have to offer.

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