Meditation and Aliens with Doro and Matt

This episode of "Meditation and Aliens with Doro and Matt" covers a wide range of topics related to aliens, ancient civilizations, and potential reasons for their secrecy or lack of open contact with humans. Hosted by Doro Kiley ( and Matt Ready (, here's a detailed description:

1. The hosts discuss the recent solar flares and geomagnetic storms heading towards Earth, drawing parallels with historical events like the Carrington Event in 1859, which caused widespread disruptions to telegraph systems.

2. They explore the possibility of aliens being responsible for or involved in global catastrophes throughout human history, such as asteroid impacts or solar flares causing ice cap melting and flooding.

3. The topic of the Majestic 12 (MJ-12) documents and the larger "Majestic Files" is discussed, with the hosts entertaining the idea that these documents may be genuine and describe a secret group within the U.S. government that is aware of and managing the alien topic.

4. The hosts delve into the story of James Forrestal, a former U.S. Secretary of Defense who was allegedly involved with MJ-12 and Admiral Byrd's expedition to Antarctica, where Byrd claimed to have encountered an entrance to an underground alien world.

5. They speculate on the reasons why aliens, particularly reptilians, might be hiding underground or avoiding open contact with humans. Theories discussed include:
   - Fear of human aggression and potential nuclear attacks on their bases
   - Environmental incompatibility with Earth's conditions
   - Desire to avoid disrupting human evolution and allowing us to develop independently
   - Need for secrecy to maintain a slave labor force of humans

6. The hosts explore the idea of a "secret world government" or "blob" that might be controlled or influenced by aliens, potentially the reptilians or the Anunnaki figures from ancient Sumerian texts.

7. They discuss recent events and potential disclosure or congressional hearings related to UFOs and aliens, including the possibility of debates between presidential candidates addressing these topics.

8. The episode ends with a meditation focused on grounding oneself in the present moment and acknowledging the uncertainty and adventure surrounding the topics discussed.

Overall, the episode combines speculation, ancient history, and current events related to the potential existence and motivations of aliens, while also reflecting on the implications for human society and our understanding of reality.

What is Meditation and Aliens with Doro and Matt?

Join hosts Matt and Doro every week on "Meditation and Aliens," a podcast that delves into the unfolding mysteries and latest developments within the UAP, UFO, and Alien Disclosure movement. Explore the intriguing insights and disclosures from key figures like David Grusch, Chris Mellon, Lue Elizondo, Diana Pasulka, Bob Lazar, and Steven Greer, along with updates from the US Congress. Engage in thought-provoking discussions about potential government concealment of extraterrestrial crafts and the profound implications of actual alien encounters, including the startling possibility of alien telepathy and its impact on human privacy. Discover how meditation could be a bridge to interacting with extraterrestrial beings, a topic close to the hearts of our experienced meditator hosts. Each episode culminates with a serene, guided meditation led by Doro, ensuring a unique blend of cosmic inquiry and inner tranquility.