Second Breaks

“Self-doubt is a bit of a driver, and it’s not a problem until it keeps us out of action, doubting our capacity, and alone and isolated.” —Tanya Geisler

Show Notes

We explore those inconvenient thoughts and feelings that come up just as you’re feeling motivated to act, step up to the plate, and do something out of your comfort zone. “Well, who the heck do you think you are to think that you can do XYZ?” These thoughts make you doubt yourself, your abilities, or whether you should even attempt the things you want to do. We dig into why these thoughts come up and what to do about them so we can move forward with our plans.

I'm joined by Tanya Geisler, a leadership coach, whose body of work is all about helping us recognize these patterns of thoughts that stop us from taking action so that we can recalibrate our behaviors and do the work we’re called to do.

For the show notes, highlights, and links, visit

What is Second Breaks?

Conversations about midlife, life and career transitions, and all the fabulous ways we can get better as we get older. Hosted by Lou Blaser.

About The Host: Lou Blaser is a former corporate ladder climber turned writer and podcaster. She writes the weekly publication "We're All Getting Older" and is the author of Break Free: The Courage to Reinvent Yourself and Your Career.