Mixing Business with Pleasure

Forging a path and creating a company from a life-changing “why”

Today’s guests, Tony & Julie Bombacino, are very near and dear to our hearts as their business has been such a huge blessing to our own family through our daughter, Lana. Together, these married entrepreneurs and parents of two co-founded Real Food Blends—a company that provides real food options to tube feed people. We’ll dive into the details of their story in our interview, but let’s just say that it’s one you might need to grab a tissue for.

Show Notes

For Tony & Julie Bombacino, mixing business with pleasure has been a part of their story from day one when the two met through working together years before diving into marriage & business ownership. However, they still say love absolutely came before work in their relationship.

Prior to starting their business, this pair both worked in the digital marketing industry for over 15 years and never imagined they would one day be running a food company. But after a life-changing experience with their own son, AJ, their dreams changed and our family is one of thousands that has been touched by the results of their journey.

Julie is now the Chief Executive Officer of Real Food Blends and when she isn’t leading the charge in the office or working to keep the trains running on time at home, she enjoys reading, sweating it out at barre class, being a Mom and testing her gardening skills.

Tony serves as the President of the company and when he isn’t helping Julie create the next phase of Real Food Blends, he loves golfing, fishing, traveling, playing around with his kids and pretending like he is the next great chef.

Together, these two have built an incredible life, family and business that now helps tens of thousands of people nationwide. Here are some of the amazing highlights and tips from our chat together: 
  • Do your research and ask the hard questions when you see a problem in your own life. Your solution may just be what the industry—and other families—desperately need.
  • When you’re married and running a business together, you can often turn your fear, sadness, and stress on each other, but finding a way to work through it is worth the journey.
  • Don’t be afraid to reach out into your community and network to seek support and get investors. Some ideas can take off with very little capital, but others need large amounts of funding early on. Rely on “your guys.”
  • As a business owner, it’s easy to get worked up over every little thing, but remember the big picture, remain calm and know every problem is solvable. Know you can survive and hold to your belief in your idea. 
  • As a parent, don’t forget to see what your kids are continually teaching you. Their lessons can absolutely change the trajectory of your life and your career. 
  • Having financial success in your business, doesn’t just mean more wealth for you, it opens up an incredible opportunity to give back to your people and to others.
  • Take care of your people and empower them. Make work fun and meaningful. Allow your employees to be a part of the impact you are making. 
  • Remember your customers. You wouldn’t be where you are without them. Never underestimate the value of their support.
  • You don’t have to know everything when you’re an entrepreneur. In fact, you need to be humble enough to know you don't do everything. Do your research. Lean into your network and ask questions.
  • Remember you’re on the same team. Communicate with one another and continually look into yourself when problems arise. It’s challenging, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. 
  • Be okay with having individual mentors and support groups. You’re in it together, but you can get support separately. 

It was absolutely OUR pleasure to meet this inspiring couple who has without a doubt changed our lives and the lives of so many others. We hope you enjoy this interview as much as we did! Tune in now. 

More From Our Couple

Reach out!
Julie & Tony
Email: Julie@realfoodblends.com & Tony@realfoodblends.com | Instagram: @realfoodblends@julie.bombacino | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/realfoodblends/  | Twitter: https://twitter.com/RealFoodBlends 

Mixing Business with Pleasure
Email: mikeandgaby@mixingbizwithpleasure.com | Instagram: @mbwp_podcast | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MBWPPodcast/ 

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What is Mixing Business with Pleasure?

A podcast about loving your work and working with your love. Mike and Gaby Grinberg are husband and wife business owners, interviewing other successful husband and wife / significant other business owners about how they built their business, why they chose to work together and how the manage to balance the business, the relationship and everything in between.