Are you here, dreamer? Welcome, Dreamers, to a podcast that takes flight, Echoes of a Dreamer, where myths shine bright, In the realm of slumber, where dreams unfurl, We'll journey through mythologies, each tale a precious pearl. Close your eyes… Close your eyes, dear Dreamers, and enter the night, Where ancient stories lie, bathed in starry light, For within these rhyming doublets, we'll explore, The mythos of the ancients, like never before. Close your eyes… are you here, dreamer? From Egyptian to Celtic, from Odin to Zeus, Our podcast will delve into legends profuse, With each episode, a tale for you to hear, As you slumber and dream devoid of any fear. So let your mind wander, to mythical realms of old, Where gods and goddesses reside, their stories unfold. Are you here, dreamer? So let us embark, on this podcast's grand quest, To awaken the Dreamer, so they may be their best. Dreamers, awaken now, with myth's enchanting call, For Echoes of a Dreamer will be your guiding thrall… Close your eyes… This podcast is brought to you by Mário Portela Echoes of a Dreamer Are you here, dreamer? Fear not dear dreamer, Echoes of a Dreamer will bring you close to the magic… Close your eyes, dear Dreamer, and surrender to the night, As I weave a tale that will fill your dreams with light, Embrace the stories, let your imagination ignite, And may myth's eternal magic forever shine bright. For in your slumber, a mystical journey awaits, To the land of ancient myths, through Heaven's gates. In a realm where legends dance upon silver streams, Where gods and goddesses dwell, beyond earthly dreams, I'll be your guide through this enchanted sleep… With rhyming couplets, like whispers in the dark, I'll lead you through the mist, where legends embark, So let your mind drift, like a soft cloud's embrace, As we explore a land where stories find their place. Imagine, Dreamer, a world where gods reside, Where Cupid's arrows soar, where love's flames abide. But this is no ordinary tale, my slumbering friend, It's a voyage of the soul, where dreams never end, So let me guide you, as we venture deep within, To the land of myth and magic, where legends begin. Imagine, Dreamer, a world where gods converge, Where ancient tales echo, in a timeless surge, And as your dreams unfold, in slumber's tender embrace, Remember, dear Dreamer, love's eternal space, For in the land of myth, where dreams take flight, We find the truths that guide us, through day and night. So rest now, dear Dreamer… In this journey through slumber's soft embrace, We'll dance with gods and goddesses, in timeless grace, So surrender to the night, let your dreams unfurl, And let the land of myths enrapture your dreaming world. Drift away, dear Dreamer, into Morpheus' embrace, Let the veil of reality slowly erase. In the realm of dreams, your essence takes flight, A cosmic dance of shadows, bathed in ethereal light. Dream, dear Dreamer, let your imagination soar, Unleash the boundless visions, let them explore. For within each dream, a story is woven, A tapestry of emotions, waiting to be chosen. I'll be your guide through this enchanted sleep… Ah, dear Dreamer, come closer, lend me your ear, For I have a tale that you must surely hear. A podcast awaits, with wonders untold, Where gods and mortals entwine, so brave and bold. For this is no ordinary podcast, you see, It yearns for your engagement, your spirit set free. With each episode, a journey unfolds, And we need your presence, your dreams to behold. Feel the pulse of the tales, so vivid and true, As if the gods themselves whisper to you. Let their voices resonate, deep within your core, As you become one with the legends of yore. So, heed our call, dear Dreamer, embrace the chance, To delve into a realm where gods and mortals dance…. oh how blessed, In the land of gods, where dreams take flight, "Echoes of a Dreamer" awaits, shining bright. Let your imagination soar, your spirit ignite, And become one with the tales, in dreams, ignite. We are waiting your echoes… In the realms of dreams, where legends unfold. Echoes of a Dreamer a story to behold. Listen losely, dear dreamer, to this podcast's call brought by Mario Portela, enchanting one and all! As the dawn breaks near, For as each tale concludes, you'll find a new frontier, Armed with knowledge and wonder, you'll rise from your rest, Prepared to face the world, with mythos as your crest. We are waiting your echoes… Close your eyes!