Murder & Mediumship

In 1978, three young people were brutally murdered in a small white bungalow in Kansas City, Missouri. The only living witness feared she made a grave mistake. Will justice be served?

Show Notes

In 1978, three young people were brutally murdered in a small white bungalow in Kansas City, Missouri. The only living witness feared she made a grave mistake. Will justice be served?
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Show Notes:
Kevin Strickland is exonerated after 43 years in prison, one of longest wrongful convictions in U.S. - The Washington Post
Kansas City Local Crime
A man who was wrongfully convicted of 3 murders in 1979 is now free
Kevin Strickland suing for poor medical care wrongful conviction

What is Murder & Mediumship?

Murder & Mediumship is true crime meets intuition. Host & Psychic Medium, Kathryn, turns over missing people and murder cases as most true crime podcasts do - but then connects as a psychic medium to the events as well as the spirit world to dissect the evidence & to discover the unknown.