Huron City Radio. Fake Station-Real Funny

Huron City Radio. Fake Station-Real Funny Trailer Bonus Episode 2 Season 1

The Midnite Hour-Episode 2-Storm

The Midnite Hour-Episode 2-StormThe Midnite Hour-Episode 2-Storm


Where Tom battles a raging storm out on the lake. Enter the absurd world of Huron City Radio, with Tom Bobbajobski, broadcasting from The Kitten's Taint. Fake Station-Real Funny.

Show Notes

The Midnite Hour-Episode 2-Storm. Where Tom battles a raging storm out on the lake.

An hour of entertainment from Huron City and The Grey Water area. This week, music from The Poltroons, Drama with Episode 2  of Raccoon Man.

Tonight's Phone In, Sports-

"Sport!  Sports! Sporting things! This country loves sport more than-more than...well more than a country who doesn't care for them all that much. Everyone will have their own sporting memories- from tossing the ol' inflated bladder around in the mud, to getting friction burns on the knees from sliding in and out of 4th base, to slapshotting a biscuit in the basket while checking from behind- we've all been there. But what is the best sport, the sport of sports, the sport all sports aspire to be? We'd love to hear from all you sports fans, those obsessives, devoted beyond reason. Let us know what it is that you adore about these pastimes played by millionaires; these sports that rule your life like some, powerful voodoo, administered from afar. Same number as always-300, 18, 23, 111-13."

Plus all the regulars- Tom's Top Tips, the Underwater Weather report, What's On in Huron City, Professor A. V. Moore's Thought's of the Week, the Competition winner, and, of course, Tom's Poetry Pocket.

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*The show is rated explicit for content because Tom leaks the occasional profanity. That's all. 

What is Huron City Radio. Fake Station-Real Funny?

Enter the absurd world of Huron City Radio. Original entertainment for the ears, featuring our flagship comedy program unlike any other, The Midnite Hour, with Tom Bobbajobski. Fake Station-Real Funny.