NNSW Prayer Conference Podcast

In this episode of the NNSW Prayer Conference 2023 podcast, Johan and Liwene share their testimony of returning to the Seventh Day Adventist Church. They grew up Christian but stopped attending church until a family situation caused them to start seeking the truth. Through their journey, they learned about the Sabbath and kept all ten commandments, leading to a deeper understanding of the Bible.

Johan and Liwene emphasize the importance of not judging others and being open to people from different walks of life. They also talk about the blessings they have received from God and encourage listeners to pray for loved ones and even those they don't love, knowing that God hears and listens.

Join us in listening to this episode and be inspired by Johan and Liwene's journey of rediscovering their faith and prayer's role in their lives. Let their testimony encourage you to seek the truth, be open-minded towards others, and trust in the power of prayer.

What is NNSW Prayer Conference Podcast?

Welcome to the NNSW Prayer Conference podcast channel, where we bring you powerful messages, uplifting worship, and sweet fellowship from this incredible event.