The City Table

Building on phases 1-3, Ken and Jon tell personal stories of their journeys of moving from “slaves and orphans” to their past, and into their sonship in Christ. Phase Four, the Life Maturing Phase (sometimes called the “mid-life crisis”), is amongst the most challenging of ones journey; a journey out of one's personal strongholds into a life where all of God’s dealings up to that point culminate in the total capture of the leaders’ heart. This produces the Convergence (Phase 5) of a lifetime; a synergy in relationships, knowledge, experience and focus. This is where “mothers and fathers” of the faith are formed, personal agendas surrendered, and the Spirit is free to dictate all dealings of ones that can truly say, “I am crucified, with Christ, but I live….not me, but Christ.”

Jon Petersen's books 'Unravelled' [CityForce, 2018] and 'Unveiled' [CityForce 2019] are available on Amazon, and you can connect with Jon and Ken at They would love to hear from you.

What is The City Table?

What would it look like to transform our cities with the Gospel of the Kingdom? It would start with our own personal transformation, flow into the transformation of our community, and then it would spread into our workplaces and neighborhoods. After decades of experience in bringing transformation to various cities around the globe, Jon Petersen and Ken Janke have a passion to ignite "hungry hearts" with the joy of becoming transformational people. The City Table Podcast features their stories, lessons learned, musings and humor. Welcome to the Table where all are invited, all are encouraged, and all are released into God's dream for their cities.