Ecommerce Marketing School

You spent forever coming up with the perfect email to send to your subscribers. Time to slap on a subject line and call it a day, right? Wrong. If you don't pique readers' interest as they're skimming through their inbox, they'll never read your email anyway. And guess what: The more people who actually open your email, the more $ you're going to generate. Here are 5 secrets to help you right a killer subject line for your next email.

Show Notes

Ecommerce Marketing School is sponsored by Printful.

What is Ecommerce Marketing School?

Privy presents Ecommerce Marketing School with Val Geisler, part of the Triple Whale Network. A podcast to help you scale your Shopify store and learn from the best in the biz. Every Tuesday and Thursday you'll hear from an ecommerce expert and get the tactical advice you need to grow your brand.