Soilent Green

In this episode, we talk with atmospheric chemist Dr. Jessie Creamean about cloud formation, the relationship between clouds and climate, the Arctic, marooning ships in sea ice, penguin poo (of course), aerosols, algae bloom, what do microbes have to do with clouds, and so so much more.

Show Notes

 Dr. Jessie Creamean is originally from a small town in northern Illinois. She went to college at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign where she majored in Chemistry. She then went on to get her MS and PhD from the University of California, San Diego, where she also studied chemistry, but from an atmospheric/climate perspective. Next, she bounced over to NOAA in Boulder, Colorado where she did my postdoc fellowship on aerosol-cloud-precipitation processes in remote regions. And that, friends, is where she fell in love with the Arctic Region. After working as a Research Scientist at NOAA, she wound up here in Fort Collins as a Research Scientist in the CSU Department of Atmospheric Science. A fun fact about Jessie is that she LOVES the cold. She's been to the Arctic 8 times on land and icebreaking ships, and will be adding Antarctica to her list of places she’s worked starting in 2024. Jessie is ALSO an associate editor for 2 major atmospheric journals and has several students and postdocs that work on her projects involving aerosol particles, clouds, sea ice, the ocean, and permafrost. When she is not traveling around the world for work, she loves to enjoy the Colorado lifestyle of climbing, skiing, mountain biking, name it. She also has two cute, fuzzy golden retrievers, Montana and Whiskey, who are her adventure buddies. 

To reach Jessie, email her at

As always you can find us and our other episodes by following us on Instagram @soilentgreenpodcast where we post bonus content like pictures and graphics of the topics discussed. We can also be reached by email:

Correction: P.I means principal investigator.

Thanks for listening!

References & Links

Buy Me a Coffee and

Fram Expedition - Fram Museum

Nansen's Fram Expedition Wiki

Polarstern Wiki

Polarstern - MOSAiC

Polarstern Tour



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What is Soilent Green ?

This podcast will be exploring how the rising generations are working to meet the challenges of the current Anthropocene era. We will be interviewing researchers, entrepreneurs, students, and other free-thinkers who are turning their passions into smart solutions. This podcast is hosted by students in Colorado State University's Soil and Crop Sciences department.

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