Flix and a Six

We continue on with our back catalog in the absence of new releases. We want to make this all as accessible as possible, so this movie is available on Disney+. Our only news is on Mandalorian Season 2 casting, but we have some banter, some beer talk, and more on What We're Watching. Strap in.

Show Notes

Anthony’s Grade: — 7/10 — 
Al’s Grade: — 6.5/10 — 
Movie: The Rocketeer (Movie starts at 1:18:44)
Beer: Al’s Ales Brown Ale

What is Flix and a Six?

Flix and a Six is podcast about movies and beer. Anthony and Al are cousins that love to grab a couple drinks and discuss films. They thought it would be fun to share it with you. This is the first podcast in a series of creative entertainment outlets produced by The Spinchoon.