The Songwriter's Podcast with Anne Sibley

In today's mini-episode I share "Three Ways to Become a Conduit for Effortless Songwriting."

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Want to feel inspired again? Write those songs that are on your heart?

Hint: It’s all about your energy. 

Connecting with inspiration, becoming power charged and letting the music pour through you.

Memorize what it feels like to be in a flow state.

Three ways to have more inspiration:

1) Listen to music that juices you up &  touches your emotions
2) Connect with your soul family
3) Write your morning pages

Key Takeaways:

Inspiration is your battery pack for songwriting

Be there for yourself by writing your Morning Pages: show up willing to hear your own truth

when you are in the flow and feeling connected, inspired, grounded

Synchronicities abound when you are the conduit

Let your boat go somewhere !!! Put the wind back in your sails

Give yourself the permission to receive inspiration

Ready to receive support for your songwriting? Experience love for the songs you are writing? Want to write more with less self-criticism? Applications are now available for our Songwriting Membership Group.

Head to my website for songwriting coaching and a free consultation call:

What is The Songwriter's Podcast with Anne Sibley?

Singer-Songwriter and Songwriting Coach Anne Sibley interviews guest songwriters who together with Anne, sing their original music and discuss the healing magic and processes of songwriting.