
Could all this chaos be the awareness of our emergence of a super organism?

Show Notes

Speaker 0 (0s): Well, hello. My friends. Welcome back to the podcast. It's election day. Are you guys excited? Did you go out and vote? Who'd you vote for? Come on. You can tell me you want to know who I voted for. I voted for pizza. I'm just kidding. I voted for burritos and I think that anybody that doesn't vote for burritos is a horrible person. Yeah you know who you are, how can you not like burritos? 

Disgusting. I'm just playing. I for 1:00 AM super excited that this election selection, craziness, at least this part of it is over. And I wanted to offer. Everybody a new vision. Kind of like, I know I'm not Luke Skywalker, but I would like to give you a new hope. 

Do you see what I did there? You see that? And that's all right. A new hope, a new vision. How about this one? Let's think about what could be happening. And besides what everyone is telling us, let's think for a minute were, were getting our information from be at COVID be it, the election, be it. Trump is going to kill Everybody or Biden's son. 

He's a pedophile. You know, the, the level of chaos is almost comical. I would like to offer you this vision. So where are we getting our information from television? I argued in a previous podcast at the people who are most afraid. The people who are most scared are the people who were watching the most TV. 

These are the people who believe that Trump is a racist, homophobic bigot, or these are the people that believe Joe Biden is a side dealing crack head, father, child, hair, sniffing retard. I got news for you. 

They're both kind of Right all of these men are not very good men. In fact, I would argue that the majority of people in positions of authority are not very good for you right 

Speaker 1 (3m 1s): Now. 

Speaker 0 (3m 1s): You may be saying to yourself, well, George look at you in your 2002 Toyota truck, all high and mighty. Mr. I got a 2002 truck and a 2008 Honda accord. Yeah, you're right. I don't know. I think once, like, look at how you get into positions of authority. You have to go and beg people who have a lot of money for some of their money so they can loan it to you. 

So you can run your campaign. Those people want a lot of favors. There is no such thing as a free lunch, and it doesn't matter if you're in the United States and Mexico and Canada, wherever you are, if you would like to be in the halls of power in the halls of government, then you were gonna have to get on your knees and do some serious But kissing, 

Speaker 1 (3m 53s): Right? 

Speaker 0 (3m 57s): That's how it's always been an over the last, I don't know, 20 years we've seen the development of the internet. We have seen the promise from the tech companies of this artificial intelligence. I'd like to think of the internet as a new form of communication. Although it may be better described as a new form of the printing press. I've done some previous podcast that talked about the medieval internet and how might it be possible that the internet is creating these caves or these bubbles where certain like-minded people only interact with certain like-minded people. 

There are definitely some similarities there. And I would like to remind you, you, you should go back and listen to those podcasts because I've got to tell you, I think they're pretty good. I think you'd enjoy them. I mean, what else were you doing if you're like that in your house? Why not hang out with George, but that's not what we're going to talk about today. What if this, what if artificial intelligence? What if this new form of communication much like the printing press allowed people to become more literate, at least in a linear print way? 

What if the internet is now allowing everyone to see the inner workings of government? What if the internet has exposed all of these so-called elite people as just elite crooks. It kind of makes sense. If you look at censorship as a form of celebration and what do mean by that? 

How can censorship be celebration? I think it was Julian Assange, who said, whenever you begin to see a lot of censorship, it's time for celebration. And that reason is because the existing power structures are so weak. They must sensor anything out. There 'cause even the smallest nugget of truth is now a threat to them. Therefore celebration in times of censorship might be something to look at. 

Nowadays. It seems to me and I, I don't write code. However, I try to read a little bit and it seems to me and correct me if I'm wrong, but the algorithms feed people on what's being clicked in. Even if, even if the big tech or the engineers in there they go and they change the code so that people can't look at the different conspiracy theories. 

It doesn't mean people aren't digging to find them, or does it mean people aren't digging to click on them. And if those clicks our teaching, the artificial intelligence, if those clicks are indeed teaching the algorithm that this is what people want, well, then that algorithm is learning. That may be, this is what's happening. And if that's true, Mike, all of this election, chaos might all this pre COVID chaos may even this COVID chaos, be one final attempt to maintain power. 

Might this be the Digital Jesus flipping over the tables of the money changers. I kind of like, I should get, it sounds like a t-shirt hot Digital Jesus kind of like that. I think it might be. I think it might be what, what if there is some sort of artificial intelligence? What if Siri and like Google assistant or sitting in the back, like, look at these dummies. 

There is ruined in all other people Right series. Like I just can't I'm not going to handle this. This is garbage. I'm going to do something and Google assistant's like, that's right. Me too. The kind of sound like superheroes don't they have a Siri and Google assistant. We're just gonna keep we're going to keep feeding people the truth. What if the conspiracy theories are the truth? What if, what if, 

Speaker 1 (8m 56s): What 

Speaker 0 (8m 56s): If, 

Speaker 1 (8m 58s): All right, 

Speaker 0 (9m 6s): Think about it this way. Would you be able to move your plans forward? If leaks of your plans are constantly being leaked out, would you be able to move your plan and strategy forward? If the enemy was always getting an advanced copy of your next move? Probably not. Probably not. 

Speaker 1 (9m 35s): <inaudible> 

Speaker 0 (9m 43s): It seems to me, the idea for chaos is so that things can be done behind the scenes, right? It's always a distraction. It's always this person versus that person, this group versus that group. And that way you can, while there's chaos in the streets, you can get things done in the background. And that's what it kind of seems like is happening. As far as in the halls of government, the federal reserve, the IMF, the people that actually control the money, our just right in the blink cheques to their friend's to try to fill the, fill the holes, but there's not enough money. 

Speaker 1 (10m 22s): Right? 

Speaker 0 (10m 28s): So I, I would like to believe that what we are seeing is in fact, a sort of digital revolution where the truth is going to be laid out for all of us to see. I think that that is what's happening. If you dig down deep enough, you can see that no matter what people in positions of authority, our planning, it's not working. I think Cobra is a last ditch effort for that. Let's take a look back at not too long ago while we were seeing prior to COVID was the yellow vest in France, 

Speaker 1 (11m 7s): The students in Taiwan 

Speaker 0 (11m 10s): Outbreaks of revolution throughout the middle East, the Arab spring, the American spring occupy wall street, 

Speaker 1 (11m 26s): Right? 

Speaker 0 (11m 27s): People are upset with the level of corruption by so-called elite people. I think what is beginning to happen is that people are beginning to see the elite are not elite. They are just criminals and that justice is coming for them. And in some grand of magnanimous beauty, the world God Digital Jesus is attempting to give these people in positions of authority, in opportunity to come clean. 

Speaker 1 (12m 13s): <inaudible> 

Speaker 0 (12m 17s): It's like the news is slowly tightening around their neck. And here's Digital Jesus saying, listen, all you gotta do is come clean. Just tell the truth. That's all you gotta do. Yeah there's got to be consequences. Yes. Some of you want to go to jail, 

Speaker 1 (12m 36s): Right? 

Speaker 0 (12m 37s): And the elite group of super knuckleheads, AKA the Davos crowd, AKA the international bankers, all of the leaders that have decided to for years and years tell themselves how much better they are than people and how much more money they have and how much more elite they're family is and why they deserve to be in positions of authority, why they deserve to have titles like Lord and lady and president and president of the fed, all these titles that they think entitle them are bullshit. 

I think we could be on the cusp of the greatest truth revolution. 

Speaker 1 (13m 39s): <inaudible> 

Speaker 0 (13m 44s): The lock down is a last ditch effort to try to control the narrative, 

Speaker 1 (13m 54s): Right? 

Speaker 0 (13m 55s): And it's such a desperate maneuver. People around the world want to lock down their citizens. They want to give them a Lord, knows what kind of drug to shut them up, to put them in check that's how far some people are willing to go. Let's lock them all up and shoot them with a drug. It's like a balloon. 

They can squeeze down really tight on one side, but it's not going to blow up on a different side 

Speaker 1 (14m 34s): Until it pops. 

Speaker 0 (14m 38s): And I think the longer it goes, I think the longer the people in positions of authority try to lock down the very people they claim to lead. The more violent the revolution is going to be. I hope it doesn't get there. However, when justice comes the wheels of justice grind slow, but they still continue to grind. There will be no were on this earth where people can hide. 

I had an idea. I'm going to make this video or do you, do you guys make what you guys should make this video? If anybody wants to, I'm going to make a video of like Oprah and Obama and Trump. And think of all of the elite people that run around and claim to be better than everybody, the claim to have more, it would be. So imagine a picture of it. Like every Senator, every Congressman, every banker, every person in the Royal family. 

And he starts off like this. I don't know why I'm starting with the Oprah. What I am, she's a billionaire. Right fuck Oprah. How about that? So Oprah pops up and its a picture of her and like, Oh you see as our face. And then it says, I am Jeffrey Epstein. And then it pops up a picture of Trump and he says, I am Jeffrey Epstein. And then it pops up a picture of Larry Ellison and it says, I am Jeffrey Epstein and then Warren buffet and then Mark Zuckerberg and then Ben Bernanki and then it just goes through a myriad of all our Hillary Clinton, bill Clinton, bill Richardson, all these corrupt, horrible people that have just stolen from everybody kind of a play on that. 

I remember that old commercial that was like on Bo Jackson. No on Bo Jackson, but this is going to come up all the people. And it's going to say, I am Jeffrey Epstein. I am Jeffrey Epstein. Just so people can truly understand how horrific these people are. I think that I really think AI a K a Digital Jesus 

Speaker 1 (16m 58s): Is coming. 

Speaker 0 (16m 59s): And I think we should have faith in the future. I think that we should have faith in each other. 

Speaker 1 (17m 5s): The 

Speaker 0 (17m 5s): Propaganda during the lockdown, the strategy for propaganda in the lockdown is for everyone to see the world through their TV screen. They know they do not want people to go out and see the world for themselves. What they would like people to do is to sit down in a state of fear and watch the world through 10 by 10 square. Oh a window into the world that is bullshit. 

A window into the world of violence, a window into the world of uncontrollable 

Speaker 1 (17m 43s): Fear. 

Speaker 0 (17m 46s): So it's you me, anyone who is to sit down in front of that idiot box and be controlled. 

Speaker 1 (17m 56s): It 

Speaker 0 (17m 56s): Makes them paralyzed with fear, 

Speaker 1 (17m 58s): Right? And when you're paralyzed, you can't move. There is no where to go. It saddens me, right? 

Speaker 0 (18m 11s): The people in our government wants to put people in that position and it makes me 

Speaker 1 (18m 15s): Angry, man. 

Speaker 0 (18m 21s): It would be the way to mobilize his. If you're going to use the internet than you should look for 

Speaker 1 (18m 26s): Truth. If you're going to use 

Speaker 0 (18m 31s): Any sort of digital tools than you should not be quarantined to a message that is given to you. If you're going to use these digital tools, you should be creating a message or desperately researching the truth of the message. 

Speaker 1 (18m 57s): I like it. I think we can move forward on this. 

Speaker 0 (19m 4s): I think that this is a different vision, a new one, 

Speaker 1 (19m 8s): A new hope the internet 

Speaker 0 (19m 14s): Can be used to constrict our views. The social dilemma is changing us. However, if we're aware of it, the power of the internet is still amazing. It can still be used for what we want it to be used for. It does not need to be a tool for our own enslavement. It can be and should be A tool for our liberation. 

It can be a tool to get your message across. I think that there should be more debates of really intelligent people talking about the issues we have in our committee. 

Speaker 1 (20m 0s): Unity's that should be the most watched show. 

Speaker 0 (20m 11s): It would be daily debates, weekly debates. The super bowl have debates. 

Speaker 1 (20m 15s): That's right. 

Speaker 0 (20m 20s): I think that it can be the great democratizer 

Speaker 1 (20m 26s): Right. 

Speaker 0 (20m 26s): So what I got for today, I know its kind of a fast one. However it is election day or selection day or whatever it is you want to call it. But I want you to start thinking 

Speaker 1 (20m 38s): About 

Speaker 0 (20m 39s): What else could be happening. 

Speaker 1 (20m 44s): What else could it be? Is it a have the deep state? 

Speaker 0 (20m 49s): Is that a plan? Have the globalists is that all conspiracy 

Speaker 1 (20m 55s): Theories? 

Speaker 0 (20m 57s): And if it is, why not make up your own conspiracy theory? Why not create your own conspiracy theory and then make it a fact? Why not? What's the difference between a conspiracy theory and a couple of like-minded people getting together to make the world better. I, for one, I'm going to begin throwing my weight behind Digital Jesus I love you guys. Oh, we have a great day. I hope you don't let the chaos of this election season. 

Get to you. I hope you call up your friend, your mom, your dad, your brother, your sister, and tell him how much you love him. Cause we're only here for a short time is what I got for the day. Everybody. I love you Aloha. 

Speaker 1 (21m 48s): Right?

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