Life is a Story

Dan K tells a story about an almost tragic car accident he got in with his fiancee in the car. The way his fiancee responded helped her recover and taught him a valuable lesson. (also stay tuned for our thoughts on tomorrow's Super Bowl)

Show Notes

Dan and I start out by discussing moving out of our parents' house.
This leads into his story about a car accident that left his fiancee badly injured.
Dan talks about how he responded to the event vs. his fiancee.
We talk about what has come of his life since then and how happy he is to have gotten through that and have married her.
We take a look at our lives' and what we can do with the time that we have, the opportunities that lie in front of us.
We answer the question: What would we do if we had unlimited money and we could do whatever we wanted?
Stay tuned after the podcast for our quick discussion on the Super Bowl and past football memories from the point of view of two Patriots fans.

What is Life is a Story?

This podcast will feature stories told to me by random people in a 1 on 1 chat. The goal is to gain knowledge and wisdom through the sharing of experiences.