Alex is joined by Michael Nitschke, a Sports Podiatrist and Athletics coach to discuss the concept of coaching in clinical practice, for both our athletic and non-athletic population, exercise prescription and how our role moves beyond 'fixing' patients to guiding them back to better health and performance.
About Michael:
Michael graduated with a Bachelor of Podiatry from the University of South Australia (2006) and is a certified Sports Podiatrist (
APodA 2017). He has practiced for 15 years in the field of Sports Podiatry with a primary emphasis on reducing running related injury risk via
education on
training, recovery, strength & conditioning, biomechanics,
neuromuscular re-education and
footwear selection.
More recently he has begun part-time research where the focus is looking at the
training characteristics of elite and recreational runners and the association with performance and sustainability, along with investigating training pace/critical pace and track running performance prediction.