No CS Degree

No CS Degree Trailer Bonus Episode 1 Season 1

Kenneth Cassel makes six figures after 3 years of learning to code

Kenneth Cassel makes six figures after 3 years of learning to codeKenneth Cassel makes six figures after 3 years of learning to code


An interview with Kenneth, a self-taught developer from Texas. Kenneth has also made over $10,000 teaching developers how to learn Vim and is now helping other developers monetize their knowledge with his Slip product.

Show Notes

An interview with Kenneth, a self-taught developer from Texas. Kenneth has also made over $10,000 teaching developers how to learn Vim and is now helping other developers monetize their knowledge with his Slip product. 

Full transcript:

What is No CS Degree?

Interviews with successful developers who are self-taught or went to bootcamps