Ruby for All

In this episode, Andrew and Julie share all their tips and tricks for getting your first open source contribution. If you are thinking about contributing to open source or hesitant on starting, this may be the motivation you need to finally get that first contribution!

Show Notes

Andrew and Julie talk about their first open source experiences. Andrew shares that he has always loved open source and does as much as he can. Julie had some questions around how to get started and Andrew shares some tips and tricks for interacting with projects and maintainers on GitHub and making high value contributions. After a brief aside about 10x developers, the pair talk about dealing with rejection and that it is ok and not personal when your contribution is turned down. Just like with companies, you have to find the right project for you and there is no shame in admitting when the task is currently over your head. Finally, Andrew and Julie wrap up with a disclaimer that open source isn't for everyone and that's ok.If you are thinking about contributing to open source or hesitant on starting, this one’s for you!

Ruby for Good
Collin Jilbert
Richard Schneeman
Code Triage
Chris Oliver

Creators & Guests

Andrew Mason
Senior Product Developer at Podia, co-host of the Remote Ruby podcast, and co-editor of the Ruby Radar newsletter
Julie J
Software developer at Codecademy

What is Ruby for All?

A weekly Ruby focused podcast hosted by Andrew Mason and Julie J. Each week we discuss topics ranging from Ruby, Ruby on Rails, learning, how to be a better developer, and more. The focus is on providing a podcast that caters to junior Ruby on Rails developers.