Putting It Together

Erik Stadnik joins the podcast to revel in the beauty of the music but also (what he thinks) is the dumbness of the lyrics in the song Tonight from West Side Story. This is the first duet sung by Tony and Maria. It could be looked at as beautiful or perhaps just the lustiness of young love.

Show Notes

Erik Stadnik joins the podcast to revel in the beauty of the music but also (what he thinks) is the dumbness of the lyrics in the song Tonight from West Side Story. This is the first duet sung by Tony and Maria. It could be looked at as beautiful or perhaps just the lustiness of young love.

Erik is an English teacher in Prague, and also the co-host of a couple podcasts. Those can be found here:
Doctor Who: The Writers' Room - http://dwtwr.libsyn.com
The Classic Horror Cast - http://classichorrorcast.libsyn.com

The article that Kyle quotes from at the beginning, with reference to Ivo van Hove and Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker can be read in full here: https://bit.ly/2OBWNoD

Putting It Together is a proud member of The Alberta Podcast Network, powered by ATB. You can find all the great shows by going here: https://www.albertapodcastnetwork.com

Recorded at Media Lab YYC. Media Lab is a public production studio located in downtown Calgary, Alberta. They help you tell your story. They do this by assisting in the creation of videos and podcasts. Find more information at: http://medialabyyc.com

Keep up to date with Putting It Together by following Kyle on his social media channels.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thekylemarshall
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thekylemarshall/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thekylemarshall/
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What is Putting It Together?

This is a podcast about Stephen Sondheim's entire body of work show by show and song by song. Each week Kyle Marshall invites an expert to discuss a Sondheim song in-depth. Together they discover the humour, how the songs inform character, and any hidden meanings. Most importantly they try to understand the man behind the music, the Shakespeare of our time, as best they can.