In Development Podcast

In today's episode, Ryan and Mariah talk to Chris Dulaba a Placemaker at Beljan Development all about what commercial infill is, what benefits it brings to neighbourhoods and how we can repurpose heritage buildings into beautiful community hubs. 

Show Notes

In today's episode, Ryan and Mariah talk to Chris Dulaba a Placemaker at Beljan Development all about what commercial infill is, what benefits it brings to neighbourhoods and how we can repurpose heritage buildings into beautiful community hubs. 

Chris Dulaba, RPP, MCIP

Chris is a Placemaker at Beljan Development with over fifteen years of experience as a planner and developer. Chris has been directly involved in the planning, design and development of various projects from large master-planned communities to small scale infill throughout western Canada and Ontario. At Beljan his primary role is managing the development team with a specific focus on acquisition, concept development, land use approvals and design development. 

Chris holds a Bachelor's degree in Planning from the University of Waterloo and a Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning Technology from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. He is a member of the Canadian Institute of Planners and Alberta Professional Planners Institute. 

What is In Development Podcast?

This is the podcast for all you city-builders, city-shapers and city-dwellers out there that care about driving change towards people- centred communities. On In-Development we talk about how Canadian cities develop in and up. We are presented by IDEA, the infill Development in Edmonton Association, a non-profit education and advocacy group bringing together like-minded people working to shape our City.