
I'm excited to announce that Aakash Shah is our second guest on the Optimize podcast. Aakash is a fellow Y-Combinator alum and the Co-founder/CEO of Wyndly. Over the last 18 months, he has scaled Wyndly's content and SEO channel quickly with their website generating over 100k / visitors per month from organic search. I enjoyed learning throughout the episode about how Wyndly has leveraged video content as a way to improve rankings and scale organic search traffic to their blog posts. As an added bonus, Aakash went on to tell me about their novel approach to doing keyword research with TikTok. For more information please visit www.positional.com, or email us at podcast@positional.com. You can reach Aakash at www.wyndly.com, or connect with him on LinkedIn.

What is Optimize?

Looking to scale an SEO channel and generate more traffic to your website? You are in the right place with the Optimize weekly podcast. Hosted by Nate Matherson, a content marketing and SEO leader, we go in-depth and tactical with an amazing selection of guests ranging from in-house SEO teams, agency folks, and solo practitioners who are crushing in their respective niches. Whether you are building an organic search channel for the first time or a seasoned pro, the Optimize podcast helps you keep up in the ever-changing SEO space. Our episodes are released each week on Wednesdays. For more information visit us at www.positional.com