The Ring of Defense

NMAP - Footprints and Fingerprints
A standard tool in any cybersecurity toolbox. Nmap is used to discover hosts and services on a computer network by sending packets and analyzing the responses. Nmap provides a number of features for probing computer networks, including host discovery and service and operating system detection. Is anyone scanning your network today?

OpenVAS - Feeling Vulnerable?
OpenVAS is an open-source vulnerability management software that includes tools for scanning networks and applications for vulnerabilities. It provides a centralized management platform for analyzing and remediating identified vulnerabilities. What holes are on your network?

Meterpreter - See Shells
Meterpreter is an advanced payload in Metasploit Framework used for penetration testing, it allows an attacker to control a target machine and move laterally in the network after a successful exploit. Should you be worried?

Kali Linux - Many Arms, Many Tools
A Linux distribution specifically designed for penetration testing and digital forensics. It comes pre-installed with a wide range of security tools, including network scanners, password-cracking utilities, and forensic analysis tools, making it a popular choice among security professionals for ethical hacking and penetration testing. Can this get you into hot water?

What is The Ring of Defense?

Join Robin Johns, and Bill Carter as we delve into the intricate world of cybersecurity, exploring the critical issues, fundamental concepts, and the latest security incidents that shape our digital landscape.

In each episode, Robin and Bill bring their wealth of knowledge and experience to the forefront, unraveling complex cybersecurity topics and making them accessible to all listeners. Whether you're a seasoned professional, an aspiring cybersecurity enthusiast, or simply someone interested in safeguarding your digital presence, this podcast offers valuable insights and practical advice.