The Rubio Method

Let's talk about CNN not having a mirror, racism at Disney, a wild tag team, nice try climate changers, spend a bit of money dude....  

The Rundown with Rubio for Thursday, June 20th, 2024  

Everything Happens for a Reason - CNN has been spending the last two days talking “cheap fake” videos but they might want to look within.  

There are Winners and Losers in Life - Senior Vice President at The Walt Disney Company was secretly filmed and said, “Nobody else is going to tell you this, but they are not considering any white males for the job” and the more diverse their hiring is, the more financial incentives they will get. Uses code words and buzzwords to avoid legal action. One candidate was rejected for not looking black enough.   

Accept and Embrace - Russia and North Korea have come to an agreement that states they would provide each other immediate military assistance in event of war.   

Working Hard is Not Enough - Tips on conserving energy this week are going out on mainstream media. 78 degrees when you’re home, 85 when you’re away and 82 when you’re sleeping.   

Confidence is the Key - Raiders QB Gardner Minshew has made $35 million dollars still drives a 2011 Acura his parents bought him for graduation and sleeps on a mattress he found in the garbage while in college.

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