The Adoptive Mom

I think that for a lot of us, “the need” feels so overwhelming, right? Like sure, we could do a small part of whatever, but what difference does it even make? Does our small donation really help? Does our sharing of all the articles that float around social media have all that much reach?
Haley Coon believes it does. They are an adoptive family, but that just wasn’t enough for her. She felt the pull to do more to raise awareness and CASH MONEY for foster care and adoption.
Enter: Restoration Threads.
Haley started her t-shirt company in 2018 and has grown it like crazy over the past year and a half. Designing and creating and selling t-shirts with messages of hope written on them and then donating LIKE A TON of the proceeds to different nonprofits is her game. They have been able to help so many companies doing the absolute most and in turn, countless kids in need.

What is The Adoptive Mom?

The Adoptive Mom Podcast is a show for mamas (and dads) in the trenches of adoption, those considering and walking toward adoption, and the tribes that support us through this wild ride.