Stupid... or Just Irresponsible?

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Show Notes

Don't just close your browser! When online accessing a banking site or any other application containing sensitive data, make sure you log out of the site and THEN close your browser. If you simply close your browser, some of the session information that a hacker can use to gain entry is still running in the background.

Have questions about cybersecurity or the technology at your company? I am here to help. Access my calendar here to book a quick, 10-minute call with me.

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Show Notes:
  • Intro.  Hey everybody, welcome to episode 13 of Stupid or irresponsible! I’m Justin Shelley, CEO of Master Computing and my co-host Joe Melot, CIO of Master Computing. 
  • Get to know us. Joe and Justin share a quick window into their personal lives, personality, what makes them tic, this week...  
  • Justin reminds listeners of why we call it “Stupid or Irresponsible” 
    • I used to subscribe to the victim mentality. But that will get us nowhere. Also, I tried for a full year to give this away free of charge and very few took me up on the offer. That’s stupid. If we aren’t giving this our full attention, we’re stupid. We should know better. We should be ashamed of ourselves. 

  • Stupid Update - [9:00]. We are introducing a NEW segment to this podcast called the Stupid Update. The update here is we are going to follow-up on any previous episodes where we might’ve left you hanging. For example, last week's episode there was an issue, and we promised we would follow up. So here it is:  
    •  UHS, a Giant Hospital System in America – Since last week, Oct. 12, they said they got all systems restored, users confirmed phones working again! However, does not say if they paid the ransom, a third party is believed to have paid the ransom for them. Because of this, a big announcement was made by OFAC requiring you to get permission through them, and if you go through third party – they are going to prosecute.   
  • IT Security/Productivity Tip of the week - [15:12].  Don’t just close your browser! 
When online accessing a banking site or any other application containing sensitive data, make sure you log out of the site and THEN close your browser. If you simply close your browser, some of the session information that a hacker can use to gain entry is still running in the background. 
Have questions about cybersecurity or the technology at your company? I’m here to help. Access my calendar here to book a quick, 10-minute call with me. Go to:

  • [21:30] - The different Layers of Security: 
  1. Have an antivirus 
  2. Have a spam filter that’ll block spam from even getting to your email in the 1st place! 
  3. Make sure someone is monitoring that, and that it is blocking the RIGHT level of security. Make sure someone has your back and watching this 24/7 (like us!). 

Stupid Headlines. Guys, we are a security company, we eat, sleep, and breathe this stuff. Here are a few recent headlines / events that resulted from stupid behavior.  
  • EMOTET and the Trickbot campaigns are on overdrive. 
  • Iran is going nuts, they hacked the BIG DOGS and have been sending the same email spam campaign 
  • So much spam going on right now, trying to trick people into giving credentials, and succeeding.  
  • Whale Phishing attack – this is a certain type of spear phishing   
  • Vote from Home Ballots – if you know someone's mailing address and last name... you can change their vote. Print it out, mail it in and change their vote. [24:20
We’ve been covering this Layered approach to the technology / security aspect, but you MUST have the user education aspect also if you want any hope in not being the next victim of cybercrime.  
  • Stupid Teaser [ 26:10]. What’s coming up next week. The next stupid thing we’re going to break down is your router!  What to do, what not to do, and why you may have a giant false sense of security going on. 
  • Joe’s Key Takeaways [ 26:45]: Turn on two-factor authentication! Keep your eyes peeled for these spam emails, they are EVERYWHERE. Unless you have someone like us blocking spam and monitoring the security levels, then probably just don’t open your emails...  
  • Smart Call to Action [27:35]. We talk a lot about stupid (nothing bad ever happens to me; head in the sand; too busy; I’ll do it later). So, what’s smart? Taking this seriously TODAY. Book a 10-minute Discovery Call right now. I’ll ask some key questions and give you a quick score. If you’re doing everything right, you can sleep better at night. If there’s room for improvement, we’ll discuss options. NO PRESSURE, NO STRINGS. JUST BOOK THE DAMN CALL! 

What is Stupid... or Just Irresponsible??

People do the dumbest things! (Myself included) And then get so upset when it blows up in their face. We're here to break down the stupid, the irresponsible, the reckless, and the absurd where technology is concerned. As an added bonus, we'll see if we can't learn something in the process.