10 Questions with 10 Pastors

Tyler sits down with Philip and Ashley Irwin, student strategists with Asia Pacific Rim for the IMB. The Irwins reflect on the challenges of missionary work such as always being flexible and navigating living in a foreign environment, as well as the joys of missionary work like how they are able to use their spiritual giftings in ways that complement their mission work.

Listeners can get involved in mission work in many ways! Through prayer, financial support, or participating in short-term trips! Check out imb.org/students to view what programs are currently being offered!

What is 10 Questions with 10 Pastors?

10 Questions with 10 Pastors is an interview podcast on preaching, ministry challenges, and more.

Host Tyler Sanders speaks with pastors about sermon strategy and preparation, the ups-and-downs of serving a church, and controversial topics like: Who has the best burger? In-n-Out or Five Guys?