
Happy Anniversary Col. Potter! To celebrate a beautiful 27 years of marriage, Col. Potter writes his beloved wife a letter, which lets us in on a little more insight on the man Potter is. Meanwhile, Frank and Margaret hatch a scheme to get the CO an anniversary gift while Hawkeye, BJ, and Radar rescue a horse. Yes, an actual horse! 

Music credit: 
“Feel Good Rock” by Jason Shaw, 

Cover Art by M. Cameron

Contact the show:

@valiantlyoffbalance on Instagram 
@OfficialVOB on Twitter 
@mashmouthpod on Instagram 
@EthanWasCool on Instagram and Twitter 
@unvanesscessary on Instagram

What is MASHmouth?

Vanessa and Ethan are two twenty-somethings with a sincere love for the classic sitcom M*A*S*H and its history. Join them as they go through every single episode of the series and examine it through an appreciative, yet critical modern lens.