Finding Demo Surf Fishing

Yep, this show has been running constantly for 40 weeks and that is thanks to ALL OF YOU!

Show Notes

Yep, this show has been running constantly for 40 weeks and that is thanks to ALL OF YOU!  I never expected to have this kind of experience while recording a podcast let alone, the interaction that is has brought to my life.  That is all because of YOU, the listener and the contributor.  Rest assured, I'm still going to be annoying you every single Friday with a new episode and bringing you new content.  We are staying in the surf and going to go more places.  I haven't hit nearly enough of the country yet with information and that is going to happen.  I appreciate you letting me be a part of your day and I cannot thank you enough for letting me share some of your extremely valuable time.  

Theme Song: Dirty Rock by Twisteria

The Lawless Tide
Bama Beach Bum
Ninja Tackle
The Sinker Guy
Florida Surf Tackle
On My Way RV
Okuma Longitude
Penn Battle 3 Rod
Windy APP
Half Hitch Navarre
Tony Tackle
Panhandle Fishing Report
SORD Fishing Products
Reel Love
Ike Jime Federation
ES Lures
G-Eye Jigs
Salty's Pompano Rigs
Smitty's Surf Fishing
Rippin Reaper Fishing
E-6 Inshore Fishing Charters
Frisky Fins
Rogue Reelz
Get em Green Rigs
The Longest Cast
30A Light Tackle
The South'ern Yankee
MOTS Custom Rods

#TheLawlessTide #BamaBeachBum #NinjaTackle #FishGum #TheSinkerGuy #Reel30A #FloridaSurfTackle #OnMyWayRV #OkumaLongitude #PennBattle3Rod #Nautitide #WindyAPP #HalfHitchNavarre #TonyTackle #Fishbites #PanhandleFishingReport #SORDFishingProducts #ReelLove #IkeJimeFederation #ESLures #G-EyeJigs #SaltysPompanoRigs #SmittysSurfFishing #RippinReaperFishing #E6InshoreFishingCharters #FriskyFins #RogueReelz #GetemGreenRigs #TheLongestCast #30ALightTackle #TheSouth'ernYankee #Life4Reel #SaltSippi #MOTSCustomRods #findingdemosurffishing #podcast #surffishingpodcast

What is Finding Demo Surf Fishing?

Podcast by a Panhandle Surf Angler for all anglers of any level. We will talk weekly to guests that are anglers and also industry professionals. I want you to walk away from this podcast with some knowledge either refreshed or new for you to become a better angler. Though it will start in the Panhandle of Florida, it will be around the entire United States so we can all learn something about fishing in different regions.