Bærekraft i bygg og by

The construction sector is crucial in reaching a circular economy as it is responsible for major material and resource flows world wide. Eventhough this sector has global value chains, national and regional regulations strongly influenses the sector. The Netherlands is known for taking a lead in the transition towards circular practises since 2016, how has this initiative effected the Dutch society and specifically the construction industry? In this episode we get insights from circular construction practices in the Netherlands from Vincent Gruis,
Professor of Housing Management at Delft University of Technology 

What is Bærekraft i bygg og by?

Bærekraftige bygninger er en podcast der jeg, Anne Sofie Bjelland ved Institutt for Byggfag ved Høgskolen på Vestlandet, snakker med ulike fagfolk som jobber med ulike tema som bringer oss nærmere bærekraftig byggeri. Ny episode hver uke. Produsert av HVL Medielab.